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eDrawings – Features & Benefits

The following innovative features give eDrawings® the capabilities that you need to overcome common barriers to effective design communication

Ultra Compact Files

eDrawings are substantially smaller in size compared to the original CAD files, making them easy to send by email, even over slow connections. With eDrawings, it’s finally practical to send design data via email.

Built-in Viewer

eDrawings offer a complete, self-contained communication tool since no other viewing software is needed. In addition, eDrawings viewer can view native SolidWorks parts, assemblies and drawings, and also AutoCAD files.

Dynamic Cross-section

View cross sections of part and assembly files by creating a variety of cross section planes.


Use the Measure tool to measure exact dimensions in part, assembly, and drawing files.

Move Components

Move individual components in an assembly file, or in a drawing file of an assembly. You can also move entire subassemblies.


Add markup elements, such as geometric elements, clouds, text, or dimensions to the comment using the markup tools.


Open individual views in a drawing and arrange them in any way you desire, regardless of how the views were arranged in the original drawing. eDrawings layouts also automatically align the views intelligently and enable the eDrawings recipient to print and export any subset of a drawing.


Demonstrate how drawing views relate to each other. With the click of a button eDrawings animates all the views contained in your drawing. Try out this feature yourself and see why everyone is so excited about eDrawings!

Save as STL

eDrawings can be optionally exported by the eDrawings Viewer as STL files.

Mass Properties

Query Mass, Volume, Density (parts only), and Surface area of the model.

3D Pointer

Easily identify and match geometry in multiple views using the 3D Pointer.

Batch Publish

Convert multiple CAD files to eDrawings.

Data Protection

Disable measurement and STL export of eDrawings files to protect sensitive data

Explode Views

Display exploded view information in assembly documents.